Here is the main entrance to the building
yummy garnishes and chunky dips
FRUIT!I simply fell in love with this little box!...
TV Raffle
The peacock feathers took over the place, making it so much more elegant and also adding a bit of flare.
The entrance to the auditorium - they did a great job on the twinkle lights!
Some of the silent auction items - stunning little colored hats :)
The drapery above the seating area was fantastic. It completed the whole jungle feel. It made stuff like this song (listen) run through my mind!
The kids made these...adorable!!
The stage was utterly astonishing. And when I finally saw the room in full spectrum, I couldn't stop staring!
The lovely-looking sweeties that I unfortunately never got the chance to sample...oh well...for those who ate them, I am sure they enjoyed!
I had to snap one of my mom at some point...doesn't she look cute?
I thought these dramatic lighting effects were wonderful.
That mural was hand-painted by one woman, along with all the rest at the auction.
I was happy to pose for my mom to take this shot of me with our enormously talented auctioneer, Paul Shultz!
It was a great turn out, and everyone left happy with the items they purchased. :)