Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Becoming a Senior Rep for Photogenique Photography

So Here's The Gist:

Photogenique Photography  is on the hunt for high school Seniors with a uniquely defined style, and who have wonderfully unique personalities to serve as 2015-2016 Senior Representatives.  Being a representative for this business means you will leave with phenomenal images and leave with tons of cool bonuses if you put in just a little effort and share your smile!  We are excited about you showing off your session photos to your friends, family, and peers! 

For those of you who are thinking "Shoot. I shouldn't even apply because I probably won't fit the typical LOOK they are going for" --STOP IT RIGHT NOW! :) Seriously, don't sweat it. Whether you've has any previous model experience or whether or not you look like who you see in the magazines or even those who walk the same school halls as you is NOT what matters most to us. We look at who you are as a person, what kinds of things you are involved in, and your hunger to be a part of what we're offering here.  Keep this is mind when filling out your application: The more open and honest you are, and the more you share, the better! [no novels though, please...That's already been done by J.K Rowling)]

Below are some things we'd like to highlight that we believe are what help mold 

  • A high level of enthusiasm about having a Senior Rep Session that is true to who you are and is a blast to be a part of!
  • A personality that says "I am open, honest, friendly, and most of all GENUINE."
  • Loves to enjoy themselves and is ready for anything when it comes to getting the perfect shot on our cameras. :)
  • Has one or more avenues with which to share their portraits with seniors they may or may not know (If you need help figuring out what that is, we won't leave you hangin! We are here to be as helpful as possible. Don't freak out!)
  • Wants to earn amazing rewards for referring friends and classmates to Photogenique Photography.

Thanks a MILLION for choosing us to be your Senior Portrait Photographers. We are so stoked to have you as a member on our team, and we can’t wait to start pumpin' out some ridiculously gorgeous photos A.S.A.P! Looking forward to meeting you and sharing in this beautiful journey called LIFE, together. 

Make sure you have filled out our application (link on our Facebook page!) please! 
You'll be hearing from us soon! :D

Our Senior Advocates Modeling Program + REWARDS!

Are you a junior in high school who desires top-of-the-line photography at a low cost, with great benefits? If so, SWEET! You've come to the right people! We are currently looking for at least 10 superb seniors that we can count on to be just as excited as we are about life and about photos, so they can help promote what we do at their high schools. :)

What does this entail?

Being a Senior Advocate means that you literally speak up for what you know is quality work, so that others can have it too, and you watch as what you say quickly blesses others and in turn, leaves you being more and more blessed as each person comes to find out about our business! All you gotta do is be willing to say "LOOK!" and flash your amazing face at people :) High schoolers are already experts at that, right? So it's super simple! We will give you digital referral cards, and with each referral you earn incredible rewards!

How much will my Senior Photo Session Cost?

Your session only costs you a GRAND TOTAL of $99

On top of that fabulous price, benefits for Senior Representatives include…

  • A fabulous Senior Photo Session, which you pay for - In addition to your "Way to Represent" which you get for FREE! We will photograph all of your images to show off to your classmates!  We will pick an awesome location, you will bring some fashionably fun outfits, and together, we will create an end product that people scrolling down Pinterest and Facebook would SWOON just glancing at! 
  • After your session you will receive personalized social media ads for displaying your images to text, tweet, tag and post to your friends and classmates. Post them on your Facebook wall. And on the wooden light posts downtown. And maybe even on the "Most Wanted" wall at the police station--because, trust us-- people are going to WANT to know who did your photos so they can gain some amazing benefits themselves!
  • For every Class of 2015 Senior who mentions your name while reserving their session, you will receive a $10 gift card of your choice. These may include (but not be limited to) the following places! 

  •  In addition to the great $10 gift cards, take a look at these other items you can earn as you gain more spending points toward various model rewards!

As if that wasn't enough...You ALSO receive:
  • a shoot in the Spring/Summer AND one in the Fall!
  • Personalized Ads featuring your model images for your Facebook or other social media accounts.
  • a Senior Announcement Card/Grad invitation design 
  • FREE print release form, signed by yours truly (Nate & Kristiana), which you can take anywhere to get your photos printed
  • A private online gallery of gradually-added images for you to preview before we get the hard copies to you on a disc within 5 weeks of your photo shoot! 
Tip from your photographers!!
Place a preview of a watermarked photo from your session as your profile picture for a while to promote us and leave it in your album until graduation in 2015! This will maximize your impact and spread the word the fastest without you having to do anything but push the "upload" button.